If you experience dry, gritty, sore eyes, it’s way more common than you think. Dry eyes can occur for many different reasons like long durations on the computer, certain medications, age, weather/temperature changes.
Vision therapy is a set of activities and exercises devoted to developing and enhancing visual performance, and its effectiveness isn’t just limited to kids — it’s for adults too!
Glaucoma causes irreversible damage to the optic nerve of the eye. Many individuals are asymptomatic until late stages of the disease.
When cataracts start to form, it presents as clouding of the lens in your eyes. You may not notice cataracts at first, but over time you can start to experience blurred vision, halos around lights, or difficulty with reading.
Floaters and flashes can indicate mild to severe issues with your eyes, thus need to be monitored closely. In order to accurately diagnose the cause of these symptoms, we suggest contacting our clinic right away.
If you experience dry, gritty, sore eyes, it’s way more common than you think. Dry eyes can occur for many different reasons like long durations on the computer, certain medications, age, weather/temperature changes.
Myopia (or nearsightedness) is projected to increase from 2 billion to 5 billion worldwide by 2050. Our clinic offers two ways to decrease myopia progression in children.
This mask contains patented Medi-Bead technology that allows water molecules to be continuously absorbed from the air and stored in the beads and released when the mask is heated. This is a great treatment option for patients who suffer from dry eyes, blepharitis, styles, and chalazions.
Macula 2 Essentials is an oral supplement developed to support the health of the eye. It has been formulated based on the AREDS 2 study to slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.
BIHOCL O.D. is a safe and powerfully effective antimicrobial solution for specialized eye care and daily ocular health. It’s an effective complement to existing treatment protocols for dry eye disease, blepharitis, MGD, and similar conditions, and can be used daily to set the foundation or optimal daily eyegiene.
Most individuals with dry eyes will be recommended an artificial tear as a part of their dry eye therapy. I-Drop Pur comes in a preservative free bottle as well.
These wipes cleanse and remove ocular debris and when used regularly maintain healthy lid and lashes for those with ocular rosacea and/or demodex.
1126 Quadra St
Victoria, BC, V8W 2K4
(just around the corner from the Market on Yates)
Our last day open at the current 611 Fort St location will be December 22nd 2023.
We are very excited to welcome all of our amazing patients to our new space!